My Thought on Life April 2023


In the midst of my quiet moments, I found myself lost in deep reflection, contemplating the course of my life thus far. It was during this introspection that I had a sudden realization - I have become old. This thought gave me pause, causing me to examine the relationships that have both blossomed and withered over the years. As I dwelled on these connections, I became painfully aware of the profound loneliness that permeated my life.

It was disconcerting to note how trust, which was once considered a foundational element of relationships, has now become a rare commodity. I found that people now lie with ease, whether they be family or friends. Jealousy, a primal emotion that can cause people to act impulsively, has become more prevalent, leading to the commission of some truly bizarre and inexplicable acts. Furthermore, betrayers and ingrates seem to be popping up more frequently these days, making it exceedingly difficult to maintain meaningful relationships.

It is heartbreaking to give of oneself, to make sacrifices on behalf of others, only to have those individuals rebuff your efforts, saying that they never asked for it in the first place. Such ingratitude stings, and it becomes even more disheartening when those individuals who were once so close now become distant, if not entirely estranged. It's as if people are constantly seeking to push you away, to shut you out of their lives, regardless of your past closeness.

One can only try to do good in the world, but even that seems to be fraught with disappointment. Helping those in need is a noble endeavor, and yet, when you do, the response is often a mere "thank you." Yet, when the day comes that you cannot provide assistance, they are quick to cast you aside, call you names, and forget all that you have done for them.

It is truly lamentable that people who were once looked up to are now strangers, and that everyone seems to have an agenda, a hidden motive that they are always seeking to further. The prevalence of manipulative behavior is truly disconcerting, and it seems as though even love can be used as a tool for deception.

As I sat lost in thought, I couldn't help but wonder - will this world ever be sane? Will people ever come to appreciate the importance of trust, loyalty, and honesty in relationships, and understand the negative impact that deceit and manipulation can have on individuals and society as a whole? Only time will tell.